Our mission statement

Satisfied customers are our foundation. Compliance, continuous process improvement and fair cooperation are our aspirations. We take responsibility for people and the environment.

Satisfied customers are the foundation of our company

We pay special attention to providing the highest possible level of safety, quality and reliability at all times so that we can work together with our customers on an equal footing as a reliable and capable partner.

Compliance is important to us

Compliance with laws and regulations, particularly those dealing with quality assurance, occupational safety and information security, not only ensures that we are able to maintain and improve the safety and reliability of our business processes but also keeps our employees and company healthy in the long term.

Quality continues to grow – within our own company

Our most valuable assets are our committed, conscientious and well-trained employees! At KIMA, we challenge and support our employees and also our young talent. And we are keenly aware of our corporate social responsibility towards our employees.

We strive to constantly improve our processes

By constantly improving processes for the provision of the products and services offered by KIMA, we improve customer satisfaction and thus ensure we maintain the volume of orders and keep jobs at KIMA secure in the long term. We strive to embody the essence of our integrated management system, which has been certified in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and ISO 45001.

Working together

We protect and promote the reputation and values of KIMA and strive to work together with others in a fair manner.
Integrity, equal opportunities and compliance with internationally recognised human rights are a matter of course for us.

Responsibility for the future

As an owner-managed company, we accept responsibility for people, the environment and resources.