Health day at KIMA
29 September 2023

Health is important to us - so September 18, 2023 was all about health and well-being!
Here are some highlights:
- Health Workshops: Opportunity to learn about different aspects of health - from "active break" to "in digital balance" to "brainfit".
- Spine screening TRICURO go: by Barmer with provision of individual movement exercises.
- Healthy lunch: delicious and nutritious bowls and wraps - because healthy eating is the key to a strong body!
#Gesundheitstag #Wohlbefinden #GemeinsamGesund #GesundImJob #Selbstfürsorge #Achtsamkeit #GesundeGewohnheiten #Teamwork #Unternehmenskultur #Gesundheitsinitiative #Barmer #its.fresh_ahaus